Thursday, October 07, 2004

BBC NEWS | England | Wiltshire | Crop pattern sparks fresh debate

"The Moon has a cycle around the Earth, the Earth has a cycle around the Sun, the Solar System has a cycle in the Milky Way," Ms Blake says.

"That [the galaxy cycle] takes 26,000 years, and this particular calendar is coming to the end of that cycle.

"That long cycle ends in 2012 - it's the end of a cycle, the end of a time. A new era is starting for the solar system."

True. But Ms. Blake forgets to mention we will enter our "galactic dawn" in 2012 with its consequential effect on all forms of life -through light wave alteration our frequency will change as it will in all living things. Nothing to fear, as it is all part of the Grand Cycle.

Ðark Angel

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

der Finger rutscht nach Mexiko

SILBURY HILL - PHASE 2, August 3, 2004

As is Above, So is Below

"The new Silbury crop-picture takes 'crop messages' to a new level.
Anyone can see that it encodes some kind of important message, relevant to ancient Mayan-Aztec prophecy. So I spent several days learning Mayan-Aztec calendar systems, and now believe that the interpretation is unique and straightforward. It seems to be just a large "calendar clock", with time shown in four different units (analogous to days, hours, minutes or seconds) along the outside, plus a 'moving clock mechanism' in the center. Both 'inner hands' tell us that we lie precisely (52 / 6) = 8.67 years from the end of the 'Fourth Sun' in 2012.9, where 2004.6 (August) + 8.67 = 2012.9 (almost). The same picture would have had to be drawn in February 2004.2 to be perfectly accurate (no crops were growing then). Aztecs and Mayans used three different calendar systems with 260, 360 or 365 days per year, but the crop-artist for simplicity drew everything in 360-day 'years'. Outer dial of the clock: 4 shaded areas represent 5200 years each, and symbolize four previous or current "Suns", just as for the Calendar Stone in Mexico. 10 outer boxes per Sun (over any 90 degree quadrant, with boxes 1 and 2 always shaded) represent 520 years each. 10 inner boxes per Sun (again over any 90 degree quadrant) represent 52 years each (the most fundamental Mayan unit of time covered 52 years, as the convergence of 365 and 260-day calendars). Finally, because we lie so close to 2012.9, the crop-artist added a feature not present in Mayan-Aztec culture: he/she divided the two inner-boxes closest to any shaded region into finer divisions of (52 / 6) = 8.67 years, by means of (2 x 3) =6 fine-lines. Now both "hands of the clock" point precisely to the last fine line before any shaded region, meaning that we lie today "8.67 years from the end of the Fourth Sun".Inner hands of the clock: two 'bundles' of 20 fine lines tell us that we are working in Mayan-Aztec mathematics. For most historical dates or 'long count', the Mayans or Aztecs used powers of 20: for example 20 days per month, 20 years, 20 x 20 years, 20 x 20 x 20 years. Thus within any 'Sun' of 5200 years (as shown four times on the outer dial), we find 13 x 20 x 20 = 5200 years calculated in another way, and sometimes represented as 13.0.0. Looking again at the inner hands, we see however only (2 x 6) = 12 thick curves above and below: signifying 12.0.0, and indicating that 13.0.0 is near. Summary: Two different Mayan-Aztec calendar schemes are encoded in the diagram, leaving no possibility for error. The outer dial counts time as 52 x 10 x 10 =5200, and uses a set of six fine lines near any shaded area for greater accuracy, namely 52 / 6 = 8.67.The inner hands count time as 12 x 20 x 20 or 12.0.0, since 13 x 20 x 20 = 13.0.0 = 5200 has not yet been reached. Because the information provided in both parts is redundant, we can be sure that the interpretation is correct. In other words, "the end of the Fourth Sun is near and on schedule". An incredibly clever scheme of pictorial mathematics."

Hier kommt die Sonne

Ðark Angel

Sunday, October 03, 2004


Pic: Sydney Morning Herald, Australia

"About Billie Meier on Toutatis: Meier stated around 1979 (10 years before its discovery) that an asteroid named Toutatis MIGHT hit the Earth in September of 2004, and that it would come very close to the Earth, at least. It is now about 3.5 Earth-Moon distances from the Earth. This is the closest it has been since it was discovered. I do not expect any asteroids to hit the Earth, however, as the Illuminati possess the technology to divert any such objects. Toutatis is too large to allow to hit the Earth. Maybe something smaller. Meier stated that if Toutatis did hit the Earth, it would strike between the Black Sea and Bering Sea.If this really was a potential future that did manifest, it could have been an attempt to destroy the Japanese Illuminati, given the location of its impact. Perhaps this alternate future was avoided and kept in a potential state as a result of the global effects of such an impact. Some information on the matter of Meier and Toutatis can be found at the following "

The Universe is Mental...and it exists in timeless, perfect harmony...Forever and Ever.
The Universe is not the chaos that the Illuminati would like you to think it is.

Ðark Angel

POP QUIZ :: Photos: Qantas Boeing 747-438

Qantas B747-438 VH-OJB Photos: Qantas Boeing 747-438

VH-OJB (cn 24373/746) , SIM #6, Now, who can work out where the aircraft is just by looking at the PFD(NOT 16R @YSSY), its not that hard! you should be able to tell me, what airport, what runway and where abouts on the runway the aircraft is just by looking at the PFD! if interested, email me for further info.

RE: No need...too easy. Hmmmm 998 Hectopascals...low density alt....400' AGL...V2 is 147 [!!!] knots, you're flying an almost empty 744.

So here it goes.... You're sitting in YMML Melbourne-Tullamarine, Departing RWY 16 and you just hit the TO/GA button......and btw you forgot to reset your TACH, Captain. It would look like you're on the DOSEL9.SID even tho i see the DONNY WPT instead of SALLY then again SIDS prolly changed by now and i can't see the whole NAV Display anyway. At any rate, you're off to least that's the flight plan on your FMC but 2500' is set on the you're only gonna do some pattern work and for sure they're gonna fail engines on you until you cry uncle or your knuckles turn white. Bang-zoom... i ROCK. PS. Note...ADF1 set to 266....there is no 266 freq in Melbourne. The nearest guess would be arcadia/melbourne 206. Then again you prolly did it to throw people off. Cheers.